A Guide to Studying in NYU London in 2021

By Sana Singh

Studying abroad can be an exciting experience and an integral part of your college life, but given the extensive variety that NYU offers, it can be hard to choose where you should go. I personally applied to London and although I was unable to go this semester due to the pandemic, I can make a mean case for why you should go to London! Hopefully this guide can help those who are planning to study abroad make a decision (when it is safe to do so). The key things I kept in mind when deciding where to go were:

  1. City

  2. Language

  3. Coursework

  4. Friends

  5. Cost

The city is at the heart of the experience
London is a city full of rich history, culture, art, and character juxtaposed with modern technology, cosmopolitanism, and a thriving financial district. I have always wanted to experience the city at length and fully immerse myself in European culture. The week-long family vacations haven’t helped me form a sense of what it's like to live and study in the British capital. Hopefully, one day, I will be able to do so.
Key Takeaway: Always think of what the city can offer you. If it matches your tastes, lifestyle choices, and makes you feel comfortable, then it's a match!

How many languages is too many?
I speak four languages so I was not very interested in learning a new language. London is one of the few study abroad destinations where you are not required to learn the local language. However, if you are interested in learning a new language or simply want to brush up on one, you can take that into account while making your decision.
Key Takeaway: Keep in mind that your mandatory language course will count towards your GPA!

Oh wait, so you actually have to study during study abroad?!
Unfortunately, yes. But on the bright side, your coursework might be much lighter and often filled with unique localized courses. The academic aspect of study abroad was an important point of consideration for me. NYU London is home to some of the best professors in their respective fields, namely Prof. John Beasley and Prof. Michal Chmiel who teach Operations Management and Organizational Communication, respectively. Other than Stern coursework, NYU London offers great social science and liberal arts courses such as, ‘Modern Europe’ and ‘Western European Politics’. You will also get the opportunity to learn from and engage with faculty from neighboring schools like University College London, King’s College and the London School of Economics.
Key Takeaway: Take advantage of the localized courses offered at your chosen destination. These are some of the best courses you will take at your time at NYU.

But my friends are going to…
Now this one is a little controversial. You can argue that study abroad is more fun with friends. Agreed. But it is equally fun, if not more, to make friends with new people and have this shared experience with them. I only knew of one friend who was going to London at the same time as me.
Key Takeaway: While there is nothing wrong in going where your friends are going, make sure you consider all aspects of studying abroad aside from your friends before making a decision.

NYU is expensive as it is, how much more expensive is studying abroad?
Cost is one of the most important points of consideration for many. All destinations have different per semester costs depending on the cost of living in those respective cities. London is the most expensive destination on the study abroad list but if you put it in perspective, it costs almost the same as being in New York.
Key Takeaway: Check the costs on the study abroad website before you apply and the exchange rates for local currency. Financial Aid is also available!

Now, that concludes my guide, hopefully this was helpful for those looking to finalize a destination. Personally, it was a hard pill to swallow when study abroad got cancelled but I'm optimistic that things will get better soon. Hopefully 2021 will bring us more good news. Stay safe and wear your masks!


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