Midterm destress



It's that time of the year again. Sosnoff is packed with students in group project meetings, Bobst is covered with students cramming 7 weeks’ worth of lecture slides in one night, and vending machines everywhere are running out of Redbulls and Monsters. It’s officially Midterm-Season, here at the Purple School.

While Midterm Season brings us together in collectively empathizing over the lack of sleep and back-to-back deadlines, it is absolutely important to take care of your physical and mental well-being. So as a Midterm-Season veteran, I will share some de-stressing tips that can help you deal with these never-ending midterms.

By the time midterm season rolls around, most students are already familiar with their study habits, but if you are not, here are some questions you can ask yourself:

  • Do you study well by yourself, or in a group, or do you prefer a silent group study session?

  • Do you like to study during the day or pull all-nighters?

  • Do you binge eat while studying or do you tend to forget to eat? 

  • Do you like studying in rooms with or without windows?

  • Do you like to study on campus or at a coffee shop?

  • Do you like to study in spontaneous bursts of energy or do you prefer long hours? 

Once you know what your study habits are, you can create a study plan that suits you. This really helps take away from the pressure of prepping. 

It seems obvious but taking a walk to clear your head really does help. I like to walk by the water and it really calms me down. Some people like to walk in nature so they go to Central Park. 

As mentioned earlier, if you are someone who forgets to eat when they are pressed for deadlines make sure you schedule some time to eat either before or after your study session. I recently had an impromptu dinner with my study group at Tacombi and it ended up being one of the most fun dinner outings I have had in a while. In fact, in freshman year, my friends and I brought a whole pie of pizza into a Bobst classroom and studied there the whole night. TLDR; some of my best memories of college have been during these food breaks during study sessions

When you have some time off between your Midterm 1 and Midterm 2, take a day just to yourself and reset. No phones, no emails, no texts. Take this day to sleep, clean, work out or watch TV. The goal is to completely disconnect and come back refreshed.

I use an app called Flora to avoid going on my phone while studying. The number of minutes you spend off your phone, the app grows a plant in the background. You can add your friends on the app and compete with them. 

USWIB Members got it


USWIB Members got it <3

Ultimately, you just need to make sure you are spending time with yourself and the people you love to remain energized for the long study hours. Good Luck! 


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